The T’Challa of Marketing
Culture Cultivator | Social Enthusiast
Who's Aaron?
Traditional bios are boring, so here’s a Q&A instead.
What does your name mean?
My mother is big on biblical names and named my siblings and me after people in the bible. Aaron was a prophet, high priest, and the elder brother of Moses.
What inspired you to get into the marketing industry?
Honestly - The ability to drive change on a societal scale. Marketing is the most influential industry (my very biased opinion) and the work we do can change perceptions of brands, people, and even activities. Growing up as a Black male, I was always bombarded with inaccurate representations of my culture in media and I promised myself I’d get to a place where I can change that.
What are you most passionate about?
Creating space and opportunity for those who previously thought there was no room for them. I take pride in amplifying the voices of those who are unheard of and elevating them in whatever way possible.
What would you say is your greatest strength/weakness?
Strength: My passion for culture and ability to understand the differences that people bring to any environment while using it to develop great work.
Weakness: My nieces and nephews 💙
Your biggest fear?
Not finding a way to establish generational wealth for my family.
If you could have any superpower what would it be?
Super speed but at the level of the Flash. Not only am I a Stan, but he is literally the best hero EVER. Yes even better than Batman.
If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be?
“Don’t dim your light for anyone, just tell them to put some shades on.”
New York, NY
“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.”